• +506 2247 6600
  • info@lincoln.ed.cr

Founders Scholarship

Your road to becoming a Trojan

The Founders Scholarship Fund (FSF)

Through the generosity of alumnus Charles W. Averre, III, in memory of the vision and commitment of his parents, Margaret and Charles W. Averre, III and the other Lincoln School founding parents, the Founders Scholarship Fund (FSF) has been established in their honor. The scholarship is designated to finance the four-year courses of Secondary School, from 9th grade through 12th grade.

Mr. Averre III founded this program with the educational ideal of the fund will be dedicated to motivated students to fully develop their potential, with solid ethical values, committed to democracy, and capable of being successful in a multicultural, global society (Averre, C. 2007) Lincoln leadership, including the trustees, administrators, parents, teachers, and volunteers confirm that Lincoln must always maintain the highest standards of excellence in education.

There are many ways to measure excellence, but in keeping with the subject of scholarships, one objective is to enroll the most talented and bright young people in Costa Rica who have the potential to become great leaders of tomorrow in a global society, but don’t have the economic means. To achieve this objective, we must be determined to increase the Founders Scholarship Funds as an ongoing process.

These are the requirements for applying to Lincoln Founders Scholarship program:
  • Have a sound academic record with a total grade average of 89, B or above for the last three school years.
  • Behavioral conduct grade of B or 80%.
  • Outstanding record of citizenship, attendance and school participation.
  • Student must be a resident of Costa Rica.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English as determined by Lincoln School placement test and essay, and the personal interview.
  • Pass Lincoln Admission tests.
  • Demonstration of economic need. The scholarship is designed to assist families of limited and modest financial resources. Qualifying need and family income must be appropriately documented.
  • Must COMPLETE the scholarship application, providing all documents requested.

Required documents for the application process:

  • Online Application
  • 3 last school report cards
  • 2 Reference letters from a teacher, principal or counselor
  • Financial Requirement form
  • "Ordenes patronales" from CCSS
  • Proof of salary
  • Income tax return of the previous year
  • Certification of property and vehicles
  • Letter explaining the reasons for the scholarship request
  • Proof of debts (mortgages, loans, etc.)

Founders application process:

1. Applications Open

Lincoln School formally announces the start of the application process for Founders Scholarship Program.

2. Application Invitations

Lincoln School contacts several public and semi-private schools to invite their best students to apply. Students do not need an invitation to apply.

3. Online Application

Applicants submit online application.

4. Application review

Applications are reviewed by Lincoln School Admissions to verify candidate eligibility including verifying financial need with the school's Business Manager.

5. Admissions Interview

Qualified candidates and parents are notified and scheduled to have an interview with the Admissions & Development Coordinator.

6. Assessment

Qualified candidates are notified and scheduled to have placement exam.

7. Committee Interview

All applicants passing placement exam will appear before the ad hoc interview committee for an evaluation. The ad hoc interview committee will be composed of the following people: General Director, Middle School Principal, Middle School counselors, one member of the FSF Committee.

8. Selection

The committee selects the candidate.

9. Notification

The candidate is notified he/she has been selected.

10. Enrollment

The family enrolls with a scholarship contract.

Follow Us

IB Conitinuum
Iso 50001

Address: Barrio Socorro, San Miguel, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica.

Phone: (506) 2247-6600

E-mail: info@lincoln.ed.cr

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