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Service Learning

We aim to connect the academic curriculum to community problem-solving

Service-learning is an educational approach that combines learning objectives with community service in order to provide a practical, progressive learning experience while meeting society's needs.

This curricular program, which runs from Pre-Kinder to twelfth grade, is designed to teach students that service should be a life-long activity. Service Learning aims to build individual and collective capacity in our students to create a more environmentally friendly and just world. Through scaffolded experiences, the program moves from a teacher directed approach in the early years, to teacher facilitated Service As Action in the MYP years, to a student directed model through Creativity-Activity-Service in the Diploma program.

Under a CAS for all philosophy, all students in grades 9 through 12, regardless of the academic program they are enrolled in, engage in experiences that are challenging, enjoyable and a journey of self-discovery. In addition, they identify an issue of global and local significance and through a service project each school year, they ideate, iterate and reflect on sustainable and ethical solutions to address the issue. With the built-in support of advisor teachers, Lincoln School Service-Learning programs are an avenue for the development of international mindedness, social innovation and social entrepreneurship initiatives to create a positive impact in the world.

If you have questions please contact servicelearning@lincoln.ed.cr

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IB Conitinuum
Iso 50001

Address: Barrio Socorro, San Miguel, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica.

Phone: (506) 2247-6600

E-mail: info@lincoln.ed.cr

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