Please keep in mind that all this information is tentative and pending MEP and Ministerio de Salud approval
We will keep you informed of any changes and will keep adding information as needed.
Fill out survey
Please note that you have until Monday, December 7th at 11:59 pm to answer the survey.
If you don’t answer the survey before this, we will automatically allocate your child(ren) to Group 1 (100% distance learning).
What if one of my kids wants to stay virtual and the other wants to go to school?
Families with multiple children at the school can choose different options for their kids (some virtual, some at school).
Can I change my mind mid-trial period?
We are asking you to commit to one of the two models until Semana Santa break. You will be able to change at that time.
Our great hope is that whatever model you choose, then you continue throughout the entire trial period. Now, if there are specific cases, there is a possibility to go back to virtual. However, if you opt for transportation, you cannot cancel it during the transitional period (as contracts define service over time).
Watch the entire presentation
What does Hybrid Learning look like for High School?
As previously explained, you will choose what is best for your child. You can choose to have your child remain in distance learning or have them participate in hybrid learning.
Those who chose to participate in hybrid learning will be split into two groups by the school and will come to campus from Monday to Thursday on alternate weeks. On Fridays, ALL STUDENTS will be on distance learning.
Will students remain in one classroom during the day or will they switch classrooms during the day?
They will switch classrooms as they follow their schedule.
If the groups that got to the campus leave earlier, will the ones that are on distance learning have more hours of class?
All students follow the exact same schedule.
Will distance learning students have the option to attend in-person tutoring sessions with teachers?
All tutoring sessions will be virtual.
Will classrooms be disinfected?
Each student will disinfect their desks and chairs when arriving and leaving the class. We will provide cleaning supplies.
How will classrooms be ventilated?
Doors and windows will remain open at all times.
Sample Classroom
Campus rules
Campus rules
For recess, areas outside could be assigned so the students could go out with their groups. The campus is big enough.
For recess – we agree with the idea of space outside. The idea is to start with the break inside the classroom. If all works well, perhaps give students more freedom and space. The idea is that it is a transitional time when we are increasingly adding options and possibilities.
Will the virtual and in-person students attend classes simultaneously? In other words, will the teacher have to manage virtual and in-person students at the same time?
Yes, teachers will be teaching students from Groups 1-3 at the same time. They might use different instructional models to achieve this.
In HS most of the classwork is in groups. How can they do that with social distancing?
They will do group work as they have been doing while at distance education.
How will buses be ventilated?
We will follow all MEP and Ministerio de Salud protocols.
Will masks be mandatory on buses?
Yes, everyone has to wear a mask at all times.
How much will the transportation service cost?
We do not have definite costs yet. It will depend on how many students opt into the service, the type of service they choose, and where they live. This is why we need your decision in order to negotiate contracts with bus drivers and redesign bus routes.
Will I have to pay the transportation service fee if for some reason I have to go back to distance learning mid-trial period?
Yes, if you opt-into transportation you are committing to paying for the service for the entire trial period.
Can we choose to use the service only in the morning or in the afternoon?
Yes. You can choose to use a one-way service.
Covid Protocols
The success of this trial period depends on all of us. We need to remain transparent and communicate honestly and constantly with each other. Please have the community’s best interest in mind when sending your children to campus.
Can you share specific Covid-19 protocols for positive cases in students and teachers?
We will definitely share specific protocols with everyone soon. Please rest assured that we will follow all MEP and MS protocols and try to keep you and your children as safe as we can. We will keep you informed at all times.
Feel free to watch the initial presentation by Dr. Allen: