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Cleaning and disinfection: A safe environment for our Trojans

Cleaning and disinfection: A safe environment for our Trojans

On a daily basis, the Lincoln School campus undergoes a cleaning and disinfection process to provide a safe environment for our students and teachers against Covid-19.

This institution is committed to safeguarding the health of its community members, which is why the company Nítidos was hired. In the early mornings, before our Trojans arrive to the classrooms, personnel from this company disinfects surfaces with which our students interact.

In the afternoons, when the students go home, the floors, walls, desks, chairs and other objects used by students in their learning process are cleaned. The following day, the same process is done on a cyclical basis to minimize the risk to the students.

Casandra Molina, internal supervisor at Nítidos, explained that they use hospital-grade cleaning products that guarantee the elimination of 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. In addition, these products are biodegradable, so we maintain our Ecological Blue Flag standard.

On Fridays, special tasks are carried out; this day is used to disinfect spaces such as sidewalks, buses, gym and the elements used by students in physical activities.

Usually, 18 employees are divided into teams to work in the Preschool, Elementary, Middle School and High School buildings. Depending on the circumstance, they use a machine that sprays Super HDQ for a deeper cleaning.

At Lincoln School we take every precaution to prevent contagions, we strive to make the hybrid model a safe experience for everyone.

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IB Conitinuum
Iso 50001

Address: Barrio Socorro, San Miguel, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica.

Phone: (506) 2247-6600

E-mail: info@lincoln.ed.cr

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