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Lincoln-Babson Alliance: 5 Years Fostering The Entrepreneurial Mindset in Costa Rica

Lincoln-Babson Alliance: 5 Years Fostering The Entrepreneurial Mindset in Costa Rica

Since 2018, Lincoln School has developed a partnership with Babson College, the world's leading institution in entrepreneurial education.

 This relationship promotes a new form of education that enhances our students’ skills through Babson's Entrepreneurial Program for Innovators and Changemakers (EPIC) methodology.

 By taking the EPIC course, students gain knowledge in marketing, finance, prototype design, and soft skills while developing a product or service based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).

 The learning of these concepts starts with our little PreK Trojans and goes all the way to our grown-up Seniors, by using its principles in different projects and activities as part of the existing curriculum. In a short time, the sowing of entrepreneurial knowledge has spread to faraway places, flourishing in areas such as Conchal and Islita in Guanacaste.

Through this alliance, 69 teachers and 260 students from public and private schools, as well as a group of 60 women in vulnerable situations, have received EPIC program training. Furthermore, 58 Lincoln teachers continued their studies and obtained Babson accreditation to train others to be EPIC facilitators, and 17 MEP teachers were trained through the Yo Emprendedor organization.

 When Learning Transcends

 Sometimes, projects developed by students have the potential to grow into ideas that can make a positive impact on local and global communities.

 These projects go through a process of incubation or mentoring by private universities and other organizations to promote the business model created by our students. Currently, four projects have entered this phase with the expectation of being launched on the market in the coming months.

 The Lincoln-Babson bond is strengthened by preparing new projects to increase the positive impact of entrepreneurship, which represents the force that drives innovation and social change.


IB Conitinuum
Iso 50001

Address: Barrio Socorro, San Miguel, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica.

Phone: (506) 2247-6600

E-mail: info@lincoln.ed.cr

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