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Lincoln School guarantees emotional support to students affected by Covid-19

Lincoln School guarantees emotional support to students affected by Covid-19

For Lincoln School, the well-being of our community members is high priority. Therefore, given the possibility of contagion or experience related to Covid-19, we assume the commitment to provide emotional support to students affected by this disease.

Student Life Team has a qualified staff of professionals in psychology and deans of students, who will maintain close communication with families in the event of a positive case. The intention is to support, as well as to evaluate student’s academic and emotional needs.

“From the moment a possible suspicious case is detected, the support begins, the student is assigned staff to be accompanied throughout the process, we are from beginning to end,” said Sandra Mora, Director of Student Life.

As an institution, we assume responsible and seriously the implications of receiving +1000 students, alternatively on campus, who participate in the hybrid model. Due to this background, a rigorous protocol was established that includes permanent use of the mask, social distancing, ventilation in classrooms and hand washing, and others.

In addition, the Covid-19 Commission was created, which is formed by administrative, medical and occupational health personnel. This Commission play a role as a response team that performs an in-depth analysis of a possible suspected case of Covid-19, in order to determine the level of risk it represents for the community, considering health professionals criteria.

How does the Commission act?

When a teacher or student goes to the infirmary reporting symptoms associated with Covid-19, a medical evaluation is carried out. If the symptoms (headache, nasal congestion or stomachache, temperature) indicate a possible positive case, the Commission holds an emergency meeting and interviews the person.

The person is immediately separated from the group, if he/she is student, parents are notified. The teacher is contacted to identify interactions and places where the student was. The directors of division to which the student belongs, as well as deans and psychologists participate in the process.

If it is a teacher, we ask them to leave campus and go to the medical center to perform the PCR test and obtain a more accurate diagnosis.

The strategy of dividing the student population into groups and alternating presence on a weekly basis has greatly helped us reduce the risks of contagion. This system facilitates an automatic quarantine for students, cases analyzed as suspects have been quarantined in this period and then return to campus without risk.

Staff training

With the intention of reinforcing knowledge and instructing staff to make better decisions, Lincoln School trains staff with professionals in Occupational Health. The current situation requires prepared personnel with the technical knowledge to know what to do in an emergency situation due to Covid.

For 45 minutes, our teachers received a presentation with relevant information to find out actions to take and they asked Natalia Miranda, an expert in Occupational Health, about their concerns.

Miranda said that in the educational area it is essential that people have knowledge about the guidelines to follow in a possible suspicious or positive case.

Lincoln School makes every effort to minimize the chances of contagion on campus. We ask the families to follow Covid Commission recommendations and attend urgently to the campus when it is required to isolate the student due to a suspicious case.

IB Conitinuum
Iso 50001

Address: Barrio Socorro, San Miguel, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica.

Phone: (506) 2247-6600

E-mail: info@lincoln.ed.cr

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